Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Requisite first post

I figured I would make this post to explain why I have officially ventured into the blogosphere (that's a cool word that we bloggers like to use). While I have been an increasing admirer of blogs over the past couple of years, I would say that the final push for creating one has likely come due to the excessive amount of time I have had on my hands lately while trying to find a job. These, now, are the fruits of my labor.

I think my intentions with this blog are these: to share things that interest me, to comment on things that interest or frustrate me, to keep others somewhat updated on my life, and, perhaps a bit of sharing of some of the details of my own life (though I do not wish repeat what might be referred to as the "Livejournal Disaster of '04"). I hope you enjoy.


  1. You did it! welcome. now the hazing begins...

  2. You're off to a great start.

    Love the picture in your header.

  3. Thank you, Tucker. I took the picture at Brookgreen Gardens down in Murrell's Inlet, SC. It was quite a place.
