Friday, September 19, 2008

For the grammar nazis out there...

Today I accidentally stumbled across the website Common Errors in English. It is awesome. Tired of people saying "run the gambit" instead of "run the gamut," or mixing up "taken aback" with "taken back"? As someone who is constantly amazed at the poor state of grammar in the US, I assure you that this is the website for you. There is enough on there for even the biggest stickler to learn something.


  1. Greta. Now I'll be up all night staring at grammar. I'm already quite dorky enough without you help, sir.

  2. My pet peeve is the continuing disappearance of adverbs. Folks: adjectives do not do double duty; buy an "ly," please!

  3. biggest, or largest stickler?

  4. Just discovered your blog...and am wasting half a day of work!
    Your blog has it all: Southern men, football and grammar!
