Monday, February 22, 2010

Civil War Belt Buckles

Whether you live north or south of the Mason Dixon, I think that you would have to admit these belt buckles are pretty sweet.

Basically they're replicas of buckles worn by soldiers on both sides of the Civil War, and are actually available all over the internet. You can find them easily by Googling or searching on Ebay for "civil war belt buckles," and since I haven't ordered one myself, I don't really have a particular purveyor to personally recommend.

However, after doing some poking around, it looks like the ones from (pretty descriptive URL) look like they might be one of the better options. All of their buckles are made from casts of actual Civil War era buckles, so they don't get much more authentic without finding a 150 year old belt yourself. Aside from the classic "US," "CS," and "CSA" buckles, they've got a ton of other ones to choose from, including a number of states, which are all available in three different finish options: "Normal," "High Polish," and "Old Dark Antique Look."

Virginia buckle

Additionally, most of the ones on the internet come with three hooks which you use to attach it to your belt. That isn't really a standard mounting method for belts nowadays, but it looks like lets you choose from some other mounting options, which might make them easier to work with normal belt straps.

South Carolina buckle

Finally, they are only $17 with $5 for shipping and handling, so they're a pretty good deal, whether you want to display your patriotism or your Southern heritage.

Compare the ones above to this actual unworn Civil War era buckle

It should be noted that all of the images here, except for the last one, came from and can all be found on their website.


  1. I have a "CS" buckle I got as a kid maybe 30 years ago while on one of my many visits to Chicamauga National Battlefield just south of Chattanooga where my grandparents lived. I wore it then and again during my college days at UGA. Since then it's been in the drawer.

    I got nostalgic 5 years ago or so and rocked it on a strap from Masada leather in Athens until I decided I'd rather wear the actual real thing if one could be found for less than the cost of a new Volvo. Turns out the real deal CS buckle can be found in private collections and auctions.

    Bought one in person from a militaria dealer up near Farmville, VA about 3 years ago and wouldn't you know it since then I've resisted wearing it to avoid damage to

    I'll send you a pic if I can remember to snap one later today.


  2. My Dad rocked a CSA buckle during his years at Tulane and then carried it around for years. of course when i went to look for it it's now no where to be found...

  3. While I'm a Yankee, these are awesome. I'm particularly keen on the state buckles worn by various state regiments and militia units. Did you see these:

  4. I found a CSA buckle among my dad's things and it sits tucked away in the garage. It reminds me of him, sitting in the corner chair reading history book after history book. He loved Civil War history. I do believe if we lived in the south he would have participated in re-enactments. He was a story teller and it was amazing how he could be in the Revolution and the Civil War! :)
