Friday, March 12, 2010

Photo tour: Casa de Hovey

Based on the pictures of her apartment that Hollister Hovey has posted on her blog over the years, it is certainly no secret that she and her sister, Porter, have a knack for decorating. However, the two were recently featured in an article on Apartment Therapy, and any questions about whether their apartment is one of the most awesome places in Brooklyn have been put to rest. I am going to be moving in a few weeks, and this article is definitely going to be lending some inspiration for my new place, though it appears that I am going to need to seriously up my quota of taxidermed animals. Go here to check out the article and be sure to view the slideshow.


  1. The Hovey sisters are super-cool. I'm sure you'll find plenty of inspiration from their dwelling.

  2. That couch and painting of the hunter are amazing. Seems very masculine for a couple of girls, but I like it.
