Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blog of Note: Seersucker and Sazerac

It might not be surprising, but some of my favorite blogs to read fall into the "Southern lifestyle" blogs. One that I came across a few months ago that I have enjoyed is Seersuckers and Sazeracs. It's run by a guy named Ryan who lives in New Orleans and is great because it provides a perspective from one of the most iconic, but unique, parts of the South. My family lived in Louisiana for about a year, and one of our good friends from college is from the Garden District, so needless to say, I have fond memories of the Crescent City. But perhaps more importantly, can you really think of a better combination than seersucker and Sazeracs? (though I will admit to having had my first Sazerac only a couple of months ago)

While I really enjoyed his post (and accompanying recipe) about étouffée (though I should note that my mom makes a pretty mean crawfish étouffée), I was most impressed with his A-Z guide to the Carnival (a.k.a.- Mardi Gras) where he did a daily post on different aspects of the season, from Antoine's to Zulu. Here is his initial post in the series, so be sure to go read the whole series. Be sure to look for his blog in my blog roll to the right.

You can also follow Ryan on twitter.


  1. Dang good find, Trip. After perusing your discovery, I've added it to my blog roll as well.

    You have quite the eye.

    Hope you're doing well!

  2. Thanks for the rec. send me a DM on twitter w/ your email, when you get a chance.
