Broker's Gin, apparently, is made in Birmingham, England, so I guess it has some British street cred. While I don't consider myself a gin connoisseur, I do enjoy it and prefer Beefeaters. It seems to strike a good balance to me in terms of good flavor without being too expensive (or prentious; Tanqueray anyone?). That said, in spite of having two gin & tonics, I didn't really notice that the gin was particularly good. It wasn't bad, but it didn't seem to be anything special. I feel like my opinion was justified, however, when I read this review of the gin today. They seemed to agree that the flavor wasn't that great; however, they did point out that this gin is 94 proof, which is pretty impressive, so apparently it will help you get tanked faster. According to that review, it cost about $20 for a bottle, which isn't too bad, and seems to be in between Gordon's and Beefeater in terms of price. Given the choice between the two, I think I would probably end up choosing Gordon's over Brokers, but at least the bottle looks good on the shelf.
The bowler is classic, though. I'd try it for that reason alone.
I'd like to get tanked slower.
Just never acquired a taste for gin. A little Scotch if you would, please.
I have to disagree with Sartre. Booze is for grownups, and it shouldn't come with plastic toys attached.
Also, all English gin is 94 proof. Its a British law.
I hate to admit it but I bought this gin for the the bottle alone. Having worked as an insurance "Broker" in London the guy on the label screams the "city."
Plymouth Gin is much lower in AC (41.2%) than any gin out there and consequently is my go to bottle in the summer for G&Ts. You can have two without getting that buzzed feeling. Although, for martinis Beefeater is a must for me. Always remember...Martinis are like a woman's breasts...one's not enough and three's too many.
That is a great quote. I will be sure to share it with a buddy of mine who has been known to consume more than few (vodka) martinis in his time.
I totally disagree. I have tried a lot of gins from Plymouth to Gilbeys back to Beefeaters to Gordons, etc., etc., and the thing that always has bothered me is how preposterously overpriced gins are. After all, they're 99% water and alcohol. I really liked Brokers Gin- the price was right, the taste was a classic rich English gin flavor and it makes a great martini. Actually, I prefer a Gibson with three onions and a twist- smashing! hoho
I concur with anonymous - Broker's is a great tasting gin. It is excellent straight up and also in a Martini - just go easy on the vermouth. MMMMM, gin.
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