A couple of months ago, my friend
Eric Holsomback, a graphic designer and photographer in Birmingham, mentioned that he was interested in getting into the "street style" photos. I was in Birmingham about a month ago for my brother's graduation, so I got in touch with Eric and we met up, along with our friend
Sarah Margaret, and we took some photos. The photos came out pretty great, in spite of the model. Be sure to check them out, and also be sure to check out
Eric's blog and some of his other photography.

A few notes:
1. My look was somewhat inspired by the guys at Sid Mashburn. The execution was nowhere near as good.
2. The tie should have been a bit longer
3. The jeans have since been hemmed
4. Posing for such pictures is much more awkward and narcissistic-feeling than it looks
Eat it Schuman.
great pictures! love the tie.
It does feel a bit narcissistic to have your picture taken sometimes... I usually just feel awkward. Great overall look though! Especially liking the watch/NATO strap!
You forgot to mention my role as the photographer assistant/ stylist, encourager, and gracious admirer of your good looks.
I like this one of you- I love that it says Highland. You just look like you should move back to Birmingham. I'm just sayin'...
Man, I was in NYC last week, and a woman who was going to be hosting a friend and I at a fashion related business meeting the following day asked him to take a photo of me as I walked around town. It was ridiculous. So I told him, "I'll walk away from you, and when I turn around take the picture." It turned out fine, and she approved of my appearance, but I still felt objectified. HAHA
Good on you for looking natural for the pics. Are they going to show up on UnabashedlyPrep?
If you care to see the picture, it's my facebook profile pic.
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