When I started A Trip Down South, I purposefully decided that it would not be a blog in which I shared my deepest thoughts and feelings. There can be a lot of oversharing in the blogosphere (I have a college-era LiveJournal, now buried in the recesses of the internets, to prove that), and I did not want to go in that direction. However, this will be one of those times. I will let you in on a secret, one that only my closest friends know: I wear tiny women's socks.
It all started back with a pair of Banana Republic loafers socks. They were small socks that were, as the name suggests, cut really low to be able to be worn invisibly with loafers. I got two pairs of them a number of years ago and found that they worked really well with my LL Bean rubber mocs, allowing me to finally wear my rubber mocs "sockless" without having disgusting sweaty, smelly feet. The problem with them was that there wasn't really any elastic around the top and they would easily slip down off my heel.
Fast forward a couple of years and while visiting my friend Sean, who works at the Atlanta shoe store,
Abbadabba's, I spotted some small socks that looked similar to my loafer socks. They were, however, marketed as women's socks. Seeing as how I wore those loafer socks fairly often, and how I was getting tired of the obvious results of wearing boat shoes sockless in the heat of the South in the summertime, I picked up a couple of pairs.

They are
No-Show Socks made by Hue (which most women readers will likely recognize as the maker of tights, leggings, etc.). Unlike my Banana Republic pair, these have elastic around the upper portion, which allows them to stay up better. However, the best part about them is that they have a little silicone pad on the back heel which helps prevent them from slipping down off the heel. While I'm not going to say that they never slip, I would say 85% of the time they manage to stay up, regardless of what type of shoes I'm wearing. I currently wear them with boat shoes, blucher mocs, Wallabees, LL Bean rubber mocs, penny loafers, and other types of dress shoes. I wear them probably 95% of the time nowadays.
So, I recognize that a number of you, especially Dusty if he is reading this, are questioning my manhood. While that's not something that I'm really concerned about, I would like to present my logic in deciding to wear these for those who can't seem to wrap their heads around it:
1. I like the sockless look. It is one that I feel presents a touch of casualness to any outfit. I also feel like it looks better with shorts than any type of sock.
2. Feet sweat, no matter who you are.
3. Because feet sweat, wearing shoes without socks will make your feet and shoes smell horrible. Using powder is only a stop-gap solution.
4. No one likes feet and shoes that smell bad.
5. Shoes that are worn sockless simply do not last as long.
6. These socks allow one to have the sockless look while absorbing enough sweat as to avoid having smelly shoes and feet. They also provide more warmth than true sockless wear, allowing one to go "sockless" even in cold weather.
7. Because no one will see these socks, unless you remove your shoes of course, you don't have to worry about what others will think. If a person wears tiny socks and no one sees them, is he really wearing tiny socks?
So that is my argument for these socks. If you live in Atlanta, stop by Abbadabba's and pick some up. If you don't live in Atlanta, pick some up from Nordstrom. I wear a size 9.5 shoe and the large works for me, but if your feet are much larger they may not be work for you. You can also check out
Mocc Socks, which are similar, and marketed towards men, though I cannot attest to their quality or ability to stay up.