Picked this up today at Kudzu in Decatur (which I wrote about in November). Perhaps it is fitting that my version of deer hunting happens at an antique market rather than in the woods. I assume it's a whitetail, can anyone verify this for me? As much as I like bird hunting, I have yet to do any deer hunting. There is always next season, I suppose.
The rack is pretty small, but he is in good condition and was 25% off. Now I am finally on track to acquiring a taxidermy set to compete with the Hovey sisters (highlights here, here, here, and here), but that will be a long road.
Awesome. A few great pieces is fantastic - I've got three I took photogs of over the weekend. Bizarrely, mine have all been gifts.
Bad call.
If you didn't shoot it, with the plethora of deer hunters in the South, sooner or later you're gonna' feel like a poseur when a guest at you house asks about it and you have to admit it's store-bought.
It's the kind of thing that will get whispered at behind your back -"Dude's got a deer mount that he didn't even shoot."
I understand where you're coming from, but I'm willing to take the risk.
Like you I focused mostly on birds. I did a little deer hunting, but was always looking more for grouse covers and not deer! Like your mount. if any one asks simply look off into the distance and say" you had to be there to believe it"
Yep. whitetail. Muleys don't have a single beam base like that. Eh, I hunt, and I say you could do much worse with something else you didn't make or kill hanging on your wall. I mean it beats the inspirational golf poster right?
love that you love it.
it immediately makes you relatable and personal even if only with a specific audience. since, i'm in this audience and your blog with this mount is on my Reader, i like it too.
disagree w anon and agree ab golf poster. it's a conversation starter no matter who killed it! i'm glad you value this mount over a generic poster found at an elementary school reading fair...
i hunt in green county, ala., and my 9-point whitetail is hanging proudly in my Neiman-Marcus-Pottery-Barn inspired house... i appreciate anyone who appreciates a great American past time like deer hunting.
ewe; gross. Not sure the ladies will like this one. Obviously, I don't hunt.
No, it's a deer, not a ewe.
Definitely whitetail, my dad has one just like it that he got when I was younger.
We also have a huge hulking elk head somewhere, it's hilariously difficult to mount, but looks awesome.
Oddly enough, I did most of my hunting in my youth. We put in for archery every now and then but rarely get drawn.
maybe if you want one with a bigger rack, you should go hunt for it.
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