I've been playing with the idea of coming up with a logo for the blog that I would use to replace the main image at the top of the page. I had an idea about what I was looking for, but not having any real experience in this field, I consulted fellow Samford graduate
Eric Holsomback about his opinions. Eric does graphic design stuff for a living, so I figured he probably knew what he was talking about. In addition to providing some advice, he whipped up the logo below and I wanted to share it.

While it's not exactly what I'm looking for, I did think that it was pretty cool and wanted to let Eric know how much I appreciated his help. If you're in need of any graphic design or photography services, definitely look Eric up.
I like it. I need talented friends...
Looks good. Go with it.
I like it, too.
I like this logo a lot. I'd run with it.
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