There are approximately 48,000 sweaters in this picture. Note the college mufflers near the ceiling.

Note the wall of ties and sweaters crammed in above the suits

Need a suit?

Need some pants?

Sorry this picture is fuzzy, but please note the stacks of Alden boxes on the back right wall

That is a wall full of shetland sweaters behind those coats

Trip for the win. Nice post my man...coming through in the clutch when dudes like me can only procure online pics.
Wouldn't it be better for business if they moved to a slightly larger store? One might be able to actually look at all the different stuff. Too cluttered for me.
Just one small bag?! Me thinks you weren't trying very hard! ;-)
Thanks, I thought it might be a good supplement to your post.
Good point, but three things to consider:
1. If their online business wasn't doing so well, this would probably be more necessary
2. Ethan and the other guys that work there are excellent. If you go there, simply tell them what you're looking for and they'll pull it for you.
3. If you were in their shoes, would you actually want to pack up and move all of that stuff?? I sure wouldn't.
Mr. Bredon-
Good things come in small packages
The sheer amount of stuff in there is astonishing. Pile it high and let it fly...
Was it at all overwhelming?
Note Trip's original LL Bean sweater and Bean Boots. Three years ago right? Classics never go out of style.
How did you just happen to be in Buffalo? Did the allure of chicken wings and Shetland prove irresistible?
"Kid in a candy store"-that would be me. What a great store - I like the crowded atmousphere. Great post.
Did I see a photo of you wearing a yellow OCBD on the Ivy-Style blog?
Thanks for posting that comment about 47 times. No, that wasn't me on Ivy Style.
Your welcome, sir. I thought that you would appreciate it as you don't receive enough comments (must have been a technical problem). ; )
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